Tuesday, January 10, 2012

random, pointless, little news

Since I haven't blogged since November, there's a little bit to catch up on! So, way back during Thanksgiving vacation I had my in-home interview. At first I was nervous, but I had many people tell me it was very laid back and I had nothing to worry about, so I listened to them. And hey, they were right! It wasn't really so much of an interview, but more like a 'tell me more information and see if I make a good exchange candidate' kind of thing! It was really simple, and my lovely mommy even made cookies and coffee, which was definitely a bonus! In the end, I would call my in-home interview a complete success!

Also, I got both a call and an email in early December stating that AFS received my full application, and they would start reviewing fall 2012 applications in late January. More recent contact with AFS informed me that they are already reviewing fall 2012 applications and I should hear back from them any week now. After starting this whole process back in May, it is certainly a relief to know of my acceptance so soon! Like most other AFSers, I literally check my email every day, and when an email icon pops up on my phone, I freak out...only to realize that it's some pointless spam. I know, that SOON, it will be my lucky day and I will hear of my acceptance..any day now!

Last Thursday night, I had to take a reading and writing placement test to see whether or not I was eligible to take a college English course at a local college, in order to graduate on time with my class (since I'm going abroad during my senior year). After a few multiple choice questions and a five paragraph essay, I was done! And, ironically, I had to wait even more to see if I placed or not. The very next day, a nice woman called me right after school stating that i passed my placement test and I am allowed to take an English course. So after getting the extra details settled, it turns out I am taking an English Composition course every Thursday night, from 6-9. The class lasts from January 26th-May 11th. Let's not mention that I'm taking this college English class on top of my regular schoolwork, talk about stress! I can definitely come to the conclusion that it is SO worth it. I am willing to do almost anything to make my dream come true! 

Some non-exchange related news? I can get my license in two months! I'm planning on getting it St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, that is, if I pass! I'm crossing my fingers. Also, next week is the beginning of the second semester and four finals. I'm not complaining though, because I have a decent schedule for the remainder of the school year, which includes: Trigonometry, Accelerated American Government, Spanish IV, and Anatomy and Physiology (and English Composition every Thursday night).

Well, that's basically all of the news I have right now! I'm waiting for so many things to happen, it's overwhelming!

I'd also like to wish everyone a happy new year! It's finally 2012 and I can say I'm going on exchange this year!
